As an artist, you're probably focused on growing your Instagram following. We all know how vital Insta fans are to building a successful career, but here’s a hack that will take your Instagram game to Jedi level: Insta Fanalytics.

Sure, it's amazing to have any fans at all, but do you really know who they are? What connects them to your music? What common threads make them loyal fans? If you can answer these critical questions, you'll be able to speak to your audience more effectively and deliver art that truly resonates with them. 

So, how do you gain these insights without hiring a data scientist? Here’s the hack:

Step 1: Scrape Your Own Followers

Start by gathering all your follower data. Using an automated scraping tool like PhantomBuster, you can easily export your followers’ information, especially their usernames, into an easy-to-manage format.

Step 2: Scrape the People Your Fans Follow

Once you have your followers' data, take it a step further by scraping the accounts your followers follow. This will give you a deeper insight into the interests and affiliations of your fan base.

Step 3: Organize the Data in Excel

Now that you have all this data, dump it into Excel. Focus on the “Following” column, where you can see which profiles your fans follow.

Step 4: Identify Common Profiles

Sort the data and identify the profiles that appear multiple times across your followers. Here, you'll uncover political affiliations, other artists they enjoy, influencers they admire, and more.

Step 5: Build Your Fan Portrait

With this information, you can create a “Fan Portrait.” This is a profile that compiles the common likes, interests, and characteristics of your fan base. It’s like having a blueprint for understanding what drives your audience.

Step 6: Use Your Fan Portrait to Guide Your Marketing

Armed with your Fan Portrait, you can now tailor your marketing strategies and communication to better connect with your audience. This insight allows you to deliver content that’s in line with what your fans already love.

Wrap-Up: Automation for the Win

Insta Fanalytics isn’t just about gaining followers; it’s about understanding them. With tools like those offered by SongTools, you can automate your Insta marketing and seamlessly feed these insights into your ad campaigns—like a boss. So, take the leap and become the Insta Jedi you were meant to be!

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