Potential fans are all around the world, learn where you have the best chance for success.
With your music being available all around the world, it’s more important than ever to target your marketing efforts where they will be best received.
Our new Geo Attractiveness tool is one example of how we are using exclusive playlister data to help empower artists & labels. You can find this tool by heading to the “Activity” section of your artist or label dashboard. Once you arrive, you’ll be met with a color-coded map & list of the countries where your music should be most attractive. Just like our Playlistability tool, the Geo attractiveness tool is an estimation based on what music is going viral in each country.
The amazing thing about this tool is that it’s dynamic; you can check back every week and will likely see a change in countries, according to the different music that trends in each of these countries, and see how your music compares to them!
Just like Playlistability, our Geo feature is also based on a 0-100. You can always check your playlistability in any specific country by hovering your mouse over it, where you’ll receive your 0-100 score!

So just how effective is our Geo Attractiveness tool? We ran some tests to find out….
Case Study
We took a release from indie artist, Brett Castro, and gauged the Geo Attractiveness of the song. His main countries for this specific release were Estonia, Singapore, Argentina, and Australia.

For the case study, we will be using the Playlister Club Geo Attractiviness metric in a real-world situation, where this data can be useful; We will be targeting ads on Facebook and Instagram to direct traffic to the song on streaming platforms like Spotify and more! The song we chose for this test is his popular release “i hope u never get over me.”
Our Geo Attractiveness feature can be very helpful when targeting ads. In this example, we are taking a subset of famous artists that share similar vibes to Brett’s release for example, people who are interested in St. Vincent, The xx, and more! We are also using the “Spotify” Facebook interest, to narrow it down to music fans of similar genres to Brett’s music, who likely use the streaming service!
Next, we created new campaigns for each country listed above, leaving all of the targeting exactly the same, except for changing the country where the ads would run. We are also using the US as a control group, which is likely where most artists would be focusing their marketing if it weren’t for our GEO feature:

The ads themselves are a very simple graphic of the album cover with a music video background, and accompanying text of Brett “introducing himself” to these new potential fans!

We let the ads loose in each country, and 5 days into it, the results are very promising! Check it out below:

When looking at Click Through Rate (which is how many people clicked the ad vs saw it), two of our Geo Attractiveness countries outperformed the US (Brett’s home-country, and our control group in this test!)
Estonia and Singapore underperformed in CTR, though still garnered more clicks in total.
The big news, however, was looking at a country like Argentina, where Brett has found out he highly outperforms other countries with a +6% click through rate!
At the end of the day, our Geo Attractiveness tool is an estimate. It’s not a full-proof metric that can predict the future, rather, something to get you or your marketing team thinking outside of the box. For an artist like Brett, it has allowed him to find a country where his ads perform 2x better than his home country, and that’s a pretty big win for an extra feature he got on top of everything else at Playlister Club!
Want to learn what countries your music would be most attractive in?
Start your membership today.