Our main engine for music discovery, our Discover page, has been growing steadily over the past year. We have seen over 60,000 songs get discovered via this page to date!
We found that with such an influx of songs, we had to put our innovation caps on and our Playlistability index to work, to find new ways to foster positive playlister-to-artist discoveries and relationships.
The product of this innovation push is our Personalized Song Recommendations, which are algorithmically-backed selections of songs sent directly to your email inbox each week.
Our algorithm carefully selects songs that match the music you have been placing on your playlists and reviewing positively via the platform, narrowing down the A&R process by extracting songs you might actually like! If this wasn’t enough, we also incorporated our Playlistability index directly into these recommendations; only showing you tracks that your tastes directly have high compatibility with.
Alongside creating a different funnel for new, more personalized music discovery, we also wanted to take a chance to experiment with the method of delivering these recommendations. To date, our Discover page has provided a deep user experience on desktop only; displaying a large amount of music at once. With these new recommendations, we created the counterpart. A simple, yet powerful interface with a small amount of powerful recommendations, to hopefully make it easier for you to find your new favorite song or up-and-coming artist.
Alongside a streamlined player-like interface, these tracks are delivered weekly directly to your email inbox, so you can engage with these tracks directly, without even logging into our desktop platform. That’s right: you can access this player from any device, including mobile! Welcome to A&R on the go.
This feature marks a big leap forward in our goal of creating the best tools for independent curators, to help them create better playlists; and even a leap forward for our artist & label users as well, providing them yet another avenue to get discovered by new, potential fans!
Thank you for joining us on our journey of making music discovery more enjoyable. Give this new feature a try; you might find something you like in there!

Figure 1: Swipe through recommendations and listen to 30 second previews, or open the song in Spotify to listen to it in full!
Figure 2: Once you have located a song you like, simply press the + button and you can select one of your playlists to add it to

Figure 3: This will open up our classic Scheduler, allowing you to choose the position & duration you want to add this new discovery for, to share with your listeners!