Good news: We’ve doubled the number of genres available to tag your music!
By popular demand from our A&R Curators, we’ve increased the main genres you can tag your music under. This is a very important change that will allow our playlisters to find their perfect match, easier than ever before.
Some of the new genres we included are shown below:

This change also affects the playlister experience. Over time, playlisters will see these new genres start to populate more in the Discover page, on the Genre carousel.
Artists & Labels can now head to their dashboards and re-qualify their genres, if new ones apply, under the “Activity” section for any current promotions, or in the “Start” section for any future promotions.
Make sure to only choose genres that apply. Tagging to many random genres can actually be detrimental to your promotion within the discovery process, as it will get in front of playlisters who don’t align with your sound.
Our genre tags are matched with other data like Playlistability and our Recommendation algorithm to make Playlister Club the most advanced music-matching solution, that ensure your music with the highest chances of converting new fans!