Deep insights on
playlister's tastes & habits

Unlock visibility to thousands of unique data points
on the world’s leading playlisters.

Playlister Profiles

Gain exclusive
playlister data

It's hard to figure out the best way to approach playlisters - they are notoriously obscure. Playlister.Club's Playlister Profiles are here to bring transparency & data around this powerful group of tastemakers. Below, learn how you can use the Playlister Profiles to your advantage.

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How to use Playlister Profiles to
explore the playlisting community

Find connections

Use a plethora of filters to narrow down the community by your interests.

Explore the results

There is a vibrant community of music fans & professionals who are looking for new releases.

Dive into the data

See what time of the day they are active, their most recent interactions, and more!

Playlister Profiles allow you to:

Keep your lists fresh over a set amount of time, which in turn increases listener & fan retention.

Saves you time so you don’t have to “bulk delete” or remember which songs you scheduled in days ago.

Increases the amount of music you can feature on your playlists, without oversaturating the playlist with too many songs.

You can even share the placement notification directly with the artist via email, so they can be aware of the interaction directly.

More than
Playlister Profiles:

Playlister.Club is the most advanced music discovery platform that is home to the largest community of independent playlisters looking for new music. We offer you exposure via our unique discovery algorithm, that gets you in front of the right playlisters, and increases your chances of gaining new fans. Create your account now and start accessing all of these member benefits and more!

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